Friday, August 6, 2010

6 Days and Counting

Okay, my mixed doubles tennis team is now in the playoffs! As Captain of the team, this is a great way to get rid of some of the butterflies with Law School. Well, I still have butterflies about the tennis, but they are not as severe as those that pop in when I'm thinking about the commitment to three years of school.

Layne is reading a great book by Garrett Epps. "To An Unknown God." It's about the attacks on our religious freedoms. I was reading some out loud to her to which she replied I was a "slow reader." Nerves jolted big time. If I'm a slow reader how will I survive my first year? I told her everyone reads slower when they read out loud...I'm hoping.

My stack of books grows daily. Amazon was the cheapest place. I'm not interested in books with lots of highlighting and notes from other students. Unless there was some way to determine if the former book owner had straight A's. If this were noted in Amazon notes about the book, it could possibly go for double the price...used and marked in!

Still thinking about a backpack. Saw one that's called a Brain Bag. Another for those with bad backs called an Airbag. Most everyone says don't buy a wheeled backpack as you'll look like a nerd.
I'm already a nerd: Single, Mother, 50. I should get the wheeled....


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